Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 32:8
as-Sajdah - The Prostration, Worship, Adoration, The Adoration
Verse: 32 : 8

< 32:9   32:7 >

as-Sajdah (The Prostration, Worship, Adoration, The Adoration) 32:8

32:8 ثم جعل نسله من سلالة من ماء مهين

TransliterationThumma jaAAala naslahu min sulalatin min ma-in maheenin
LiteralThen He created/made his off spring/descendants from descendent/strain/gene/progeny from humiliated/degraded water.

Yusuf AliAnd made his progeny from a quintessence of the nature of a fluid despised:
PickthalThen He made his seed from a draught of despised fluid;
Arberry then He fashioned his progeny of an extraction of mean water,
ShakirThen He made his progeny of an extract, of water held in light estimation.
SarwarHe made His offspring come into existence from an extract of insignificant fluid,
KhalifaThen He continued his reproduction through a certain lowly liquid.
Hilali/KhanThen He made his offspring from semen of worthless water (male and female sexual discharge).
H/K/SaheehThen He made his posterity out of the extract of a liquid disdained.
Malikthen automated the creation of his progeny by an extract of a despicable water;[8]
QXPThen He made him to be reproduced out of the essence of a humble fluid. (The inorganic matter was hydrated and from its extract life was initiated. Eventually, the evolution reached a point when procreation with male and female gametes was established (37:11)).
Maulana AliThen He made his progeny of an extract, of worthless water.
Free MindsThen He made his offspring from a structure derived from a lowly liquid.
Qaribullah then He made his offspring from a clot of weak water (semen).

George Saleand afterwards made his posterity of an extract of despicable water;
JM RodwellThen ordained his progeny from germs of life, from sorry water:

Asadthen He causes him to be begotten [Lit., "He caused [i.e., as pointed out in note on verse 7 above, "He causes"] his procreation [or "his begetting"] to be out of...", etc.] out of the essence of a humble fluid;

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