Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 44:44
ad-Dukhan - Smoke, The Evident Smoke
Verse: 44 : 44

< 44:45   44:43 >

ad-Dukhan (Smoke, The Evident Smoke) 44:44

44:44 طعام الاثيم

TransliterationTaAAamu al-atheemi
Literal(Is) the sinner's/criminal's food/feeding.

Yusuf AliWill be the food of the Sinful,-
PickthalThe food of the sinner!
Arberry is the food of the guilty,
ShakirIs the food of the sinful
Sarwaris food for the sinner.
Khalifawill provide the food for the sinful.
Hilali/KhanWill be the food of the sinners,
H/K/SaheehIs food for the sinful.
Malikit will be like the dregs of oil. Which shall boil in the belly[45]
QXPWill be the food of him who plunged down his and other's capacities. (17:60), (37:62-65).
Maulana AliIs the food of the sinful,
Free MindsWill be the food for the sinful.
Qaribullah shall be the food of the guilty sinners.

George Saleshall be the food of the impious:
JM RodwellShall be the sinner's food:

Asadwill be the food of the sinful: [The term al-athim (lit., "the sinful one") has here apparently a specific connotation, referring to a willful denial of resurrection and of God's judgment: in other words, of all sense and meaning in man's existence.]

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