Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 54:5
al-Qamar - The Moon
Verse: 54 : 5

< 54:6   54:4 >

al-Qamar (The Moon) 54:5

54:5 حكمة بالغة فما تغني النذر

TransliterationHikmatun balighatun fama tughnee alnnuthuru
LiteralReaching/eloquent wisdom, so the warnings/notices, it does not enrich/satisfy/suffice.

Yusuf AliMature wisdom;- but (the preaching of) Warners profits them not.
PickthalEffective wisdom; but warnings avail not.
Arberry a Wisdom far-reaching; yet warnings do not avail.
ShakirConsummate wisdom-- but warnings do not avail;
Sarwarbut the warnings have proved to have no effect on them.
KhalifaGreat wisdom; but all the warnings have been in vain.
Hilali/KhanPerfect wisdom (this Quran), but (the preaching of) warners benefit them not,
H/K/SaheehExtensive wisdom but warning does not avail [them].
Malikand profound wisdom to serve as a warning, but warnings are of no use to these people.[5]
QXPAnd profound Wisdom! But all the warnings have been of no avail.
Maulana AliConsummate wisdom -- but warnings avail not;
Free MindsA perfect wisdom; but the warnings are of no benefit.
Qaribullah which are full of wisdom; but the warnings do not help.

George Salethe same being consummate wisdom: But warners profit them not;
JM RodwellConsummate wisdom-but warners profit them not.

Asadfar-reaching wisdom [was held out to them]: but [since] all warnings have been of no avail,

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