Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 56:37
al-Waqi`ah - The Event, The Inevitable, That Which is Coming
Verse: 56 : 37

< 56:38   56:36 >

al-Waqi`ah (The Event, The Inevitable, That Which is Coming) 56:37

56:37 عربا اترابا

TransliterationAAuruban atraban
LiteralHumorous (amusing) same age/not aging.

Yusuf AliBeloved (by nature), equal in age,-
PickthalLovers, friends,
Arberry chastely amorous,
ShakirLoving, equals in age,
SarwarWe have made them virgins,
KhalifaPerfectly matched.
Hilali/KhanLoving (their husbands only), equal in age.
H/K/SaheehDevoted [to their husbands] and of equal age,
Malikbeloved by nature, equal in age,[37]
QXPEloquent, made of the same mettle, harmonious, blending well in the society. ('Urub' from 'Arabi' = Eloquent. 'Turab' = Dust = Harmonious = Of the same mettle = Well-blended (43:18), (78:33)).
Maulana AliLoving, equals in age,
Free MindsPerfect and without spoil.
Qaribullah chaste, loving companions of the same age

George Salebeloved by their husbands, of equal age with them;
JM RodwellDear to their spouses, of equal age with them,

Asadfull of love, well-matched

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