Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 81:26
at-Takwir - The Overthrowing, The Cessation
Verse: 81 : 26

< 81:27   81:25 >

at-Takwir (The Overthrowing, The Cessation) 81:26

81:26 فاين تذهبون

TransliterationFaayna tathhaboona
LiteralSo where (do) you go ?

Yusuf AliWhen whither go ye?
PickthalWhither then go ye?
Arberry where then are you going?
ShakirWhither then will you go?
SarwarWhere then will you go?.
KhalifaNow then, where will you go?
Hilali/KhanThen where are you going?
H/K/SaheehSo where are you going?
MalikWhere then are you going?[26]
QXPWhich way, then, are you going?
Maulana AliWhither then are you going?
Free MindsSo where will you go?
Qaribullah Where then are you going?

George SaleWhither, therefore, are ye going?
JM RodwellWhither then are ye going?

AsadWhither, then, will you go?

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