Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 81:9
at-Takwir - The Overthrowing, The Cessation
Verse: 81 : 9

< 81:10   81:8 >

at-Takwir (The Overthrowing, The Cessation) 81:9

81:9 باي ذنب قتلت

TransliterationBi-ayyi thanbin qutilat
LiteralWith (because of) which crime it was killed?

Yusuf AliFor what crime she was killed;
PickthalFor what sin she was slain,
Arberry for what sin she was slain,
ShakirFor what sin she was killed,
Sarwarsuch as, "For what crime were they murdered?"
KhalifaFor what crime was she killed?
Hilali/KhanFor what sin she was killed?
H/K/SaheehFor what sin she was killed
Malikfor what sin she was killed;[9]
QXPFor what crime she was slain. (Women's rights will be restored).
Maulana AliFor what sin she was killed,
Free Minds"For what crime was she killed?"
Qaribullah for what crime she was slain,

George Salefor what crime she was put to death;
JM RodwellFor what crime she was put to death,

Asadfor what crime she had been slain,

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