Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 89:8
al-Fajr - The Dawn, Daybreak
Verse: 89 : 8

< 89:9   89:7 >

al-Fajr (The Dawn, Daybreak) 89:8

89:8 التي لم يخلق مثلها في البلاد

TransliterationAllatee lam yukhlaq mithluha fee albiladi
LiteralWhich was not created similar/equal to it in the countries/cities ?

Yusuf AliThe like of which were not produced in (all) the land?
PickthalThe like of which was not created in the lands;
Arberry the like of which was never created in the land,
ShakirThe like of which were not created in the (other) cities;
Sarwarwhose like has never been created in any other land.
KhalifaThere was nothing like it anywhere.
Hilali/KhanThe like of which were not created in the land?
H/K/SaheehThe likes of whom had never been created in the land?
Malikthe like of which had never been built in other cities.[8]
QXPThe like of which (the towers and castles) were never built in other cities. (26:128-134).
Maulana AliThe like of which were not created in the land;
Free MindsThe one which was like no other in the land?
Qaribullah the like of which was never created in the countries?

George Salethe like whereof hath not been erected in the land;
JM RodwellWhose like have not been reared in these lands!

Asadthe like of whom has never been reared in all the land? -

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