Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 92:15
al-Layl - The Night
Verse: 92 : 15

< 92:16   92:14 >

al-Layl (The Night) 92:15

92:15 لايصلاها الا الاشقى

TransliterationLa yaslaha illa al-ashqa
LiteralNone roasts/suffers it except the most miserable/unhappy.

Yusuf AliNone shall reach it but those most unfortunate ones
PickthalWhich only the most wretched must endure,
Arberry whereat none but the most wretched shall be roasted,
ShakirNone shall enter it but the most unhappy,
Sarwarin which no one will suffer forever
KhalifaNone burns therein except the wicked.
Hilali/KhanNone shall enter it save the most wretched,
H/K/SaheehNone will [enter to] burn therein except the most wretched one.
Malikin which none shall burn except the wretched[15]
QXPWhich only the most unfortunate must endure.
Maulana AliNone will enter it but the most unfortunate,
Free MindsNone shall reach it but the wicked.
Qaribullah in which none shall be roasted except the most wretched sinner,

George Salewhich none shall enter to be burned except the most wretched;
JM RodwellNone shall be cast to it but the most wretched,-

Asad[the fire] which none shall have to endure but that most hapless wretch

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