Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 104:7
al-Humazah - The Traducer, The Gossipmonger, The Slanderer
Verse: 104 : 7

< 104:8   104:6 >

al-Humazah (The Traducer, The Gossipmonger, The Slanderer) 104:7

104:7 التي تطلع على الافئدة

TransliterationAllatee tattaliAAu AAala al-af-idati
LiteralWhich ascends/rises on (to) the hearts .

Yusuf AliThe which doth mount (Right) to the Hearts:
PickthalWhich leapeth up over the hearts (of men).
Arberry roaring over the hearts
ShakirWhich rises above the hearts.
Sarwarto penetrate into the hearts.
KhalifaIt burns them inside out.
Hilali/KhanWhich leaps up over the hearts,
H/K/SaheehWhich mounts directed at the hearts.
MalikThe one which will rise right to the hearts,[7]
QXPWhich originates in the hearts. (And engulfs the hearts).
Maulana AliWhich rises over the hearts.
Free MindsWhich reaches the inside of the hearts.
Qaribullah which shall oversee the hearts,

George Salewhich shall mount above the hearts of those who shall be cast therein.
JM RodwellWhich shall mount above the hearts of the damned;

Asadwhich will rise over the [guilty] hearts:

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