Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 44:46
ad-Dukhan - Smoke, The Evident Smoke
Verse: 44 : 46

< 44:47   44:45 >

ad-Dukhan (Smoke, The Evident Smoke) 44:46

44:46 كغلي الحميم

TransliterationKaghalyi alhameemi
LiteralAs the hot water's/red hot coal's boiling.

Yusuf AliLike the boiling of scalding water.
PickthalAs the seething of boiling water.
Arberry as boiling water bubbles.
ShakirLike the boiling of hot water.
Sarwarlike water.
KhalifaLike the boiling of hellish drinks.
Hilali/KhanLike the boiling of scalding water.
H/K/SaheehLike the boiling of scalding water.
MalikA voice will be heard: "Seize him and drag him into the depth of the hell,[47]
QXPAs the boiling, burning despair. (102:1-2).
Maulana AliLike boiling water.
Free MindsLike the boiling of liquid.
Qaribullah as the boiling of the hot water.

George Salelike the boiling of the hottest water.
JM RodwellLike the boiling of scalding water.

Asadlike the boiling of burning despair. [For this tropical meaning of the term hamim, see the last note on 6:70.]

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