Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 80:21
`Abasa - He Frowned
Verse: 80 : 21

< 80:22   80:20 >

`Abasa (He Frowned) 80:21

80:21 ثم اماته فاقبره

TransliterationThumma amatahu faaqbarahu
LiteralThen He made him die, so He caused him to be buried in a grave .

Yusuf AliThen He causeth him to die, and putteth him in his grave;
PickthalThen causeth him to die, and burieth him;
Arberry then makes him to die, and buries him,
ShakirThen He causes him to die, then assigns to him a grave,
SarwarThen He caused him to die and be buried
KhalifaThen He puts him to death, and into the grave
Hilali/KhanThen He causes him to die, and puts him in his grave;
H/K/SaheehThen He causes his death and provides a grave for him.
Malikthen causes him to die and stows him in a grave.[21]
QXPThen causes him to die and brings him to disintegrated states. ('Qabr' = Grave = Disintegrated state = The state of sleep between physical death and Resurrection (36:52)).
Maulana AliThen he causes him to die, then assigns to him a grave,
Free MindsThen He made him die and buried him.
Qaribullah then causes him to die and buries him,

George SaleAfterwards He causeth him to die, and layeth him in the grave;
JM RodwellThen causeth him to die and burieth him;

Asadand in the end He causes him to die and brings him to the grave;

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