Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 80:20
`Abasa - He Frowned
Verse: 80 : 20

< 80:21   80:19 >

`Abasa (He Frowned) 80:20

80:20 ثم السبيل يسره

TransliterationThumma alssabeela yassarahu
LiteralThen (to) the road/path He eased him.

Yusuf AliThen doth He make His path smooth for him;
PickthalThen maketh the way easy for him,
Arberry then the way eased for him,
ShakirThen (as for) the way-- He has made it easy (for him)
Sarwarand made the path of guidance easy for him to follow.
KhalifaThen He points out the path for him.
Hilali/KhanThen He makes the Path easy for him;
H/K/SaheehThen He eased the way for him;
Malikthen makes his way of life smooth for him,[20]
QXPAnd then makes the Way easy for him. (Endowed with faculties).
Maulana AliThen makes the way easy for him,
Free MindsThen the path He made easy for him.
Qaribullah then eased his path for him,

George Saleand then facilitateth his passage out of the womb:
JM RodwellThen made him an easy passage from the womb,

Asadand then makes it easy for him to go through life;

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