Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 81:2
at-Takwir - The Overthrowing, The Cessation
Verse: 81 : 2

< 81:3   81:1 >

at-Takwir (The Overthrowing, The Cessation) 81:2

81:2 واذا النجوم انكدرت

TransliterationWa-itha alnnujoomu inkadarat
LiteralAnd when/if the stars/planets became dispersed/dulled .

Yusuf AliWhen the stars fall, losing their lustre;
PickthalAnd when the stars fall,
Arberry when the stars shall be thrown down,
ShakirAnd when the stars darken,
Sarwarthe stars are made to fade away,
KhalifaThe stars are crashed into each other.
Hilali/KhanAnd when the stars shall fall;
H/K/SaheehAnd when the stars fall, dispersing,
Malikwhen the stars will loose their luster;[2]
QXPAnd when the stars lose their glow. (Tribal dictatorships fall).
Maulana AliAnd when the stars are dust-coloured,
Free MindsAnd when the stars cannot be seen.
Qaribullah when the stars are thrown down,

George Saleand when the stars shall fall;
JM RodwellAnd when the stars shall fall,

Asadand when the stars lose their light,

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