
(Al-Baqara [2:261])
In the name of The Lord (Allah), Most Gracious, Most Merciful

The parable of those who spend their money in the way of The Lord (Allah) is that of a grain of wheat: it groweth seven ears, and each ear hath a hundred grains. The Lord (Allah) gives manifold increase to whom He pleaseth: And The Lord (Allah)
careth for all and He knoweth all things

SHEIKH TAMIM BIN HAMAD spent over 225 Billion USD on FIFA games (one Billion = one thousand million ) and (225 Billion = 225000 million USD) and it is all finished and gone forever and it was all for show up.

Also Trump forced the King of Saudi Arabia ( Bin Salman ) to buy 450 Billion Dollar Junk Weapons (one Billion = one thousand million ) and (250 Billion = 250000 million USD) and he is not allowed to use them without US permission. And all these weapons did not make him win the War in Yemen.

In the other hand, if one of them just donated only ten million USD to pay google to advertise and promote our nonprofit organization, he could converted over One hundred thousand (( 100,000)) Christian to Islam and every one of such 100,000 and their kids and their kids, kids until the day of Judgement (millions of people) do a good deed Allah will give them a percentage of such a good deed to bless SHEIKH TAMIM BIN HAMAD and/or bless King of Saudi Arabia ( Bin Salman ) and his kids and kids kids for ever.

In Islam we call it ongoing Sadakah it keep going forever even after the person die

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God (Allah) 99 Names

God (Allaah)

Most Merciful (Ar-Rahmaan)

The Eminent, The Exalted in Might (Al-Azeez)

The Especially Merciful (Ar-Raheem)

The Flawless, The Source Of Peace And Perfection (As-Salaam)

The Guardian and Bestower Of Faith (Al-Mumin)

The Holy, The Pure (Al-Quddoos)

The King, The True Sovereign (Al-Malik)

The Overseer (Al-Muhaymin)

The One Who Has Knowledge of Each Separate Item (Al-Muhsee)

He Who Humbles (Al-Mudhill)

The Achiever of Good (Al-Barr)

The Acquainted (Al-Khabeer)

The All-Forgiving (Al-Ghafoor)

The All-Glorious (Al-Majeed)

The All-Hearing (As-Samee)

The All-Observant (Ar-Raqeeb)

The All-Powerful (Al-Qaadir)

The All-Praiseworthy (Al-Hameed)

The All-Preserver, The Safeguard (Al-Hafeeth)

The All-Seeing (Al-Baseer)

The All-Sympathetic (Ar-Raoof)

The Arbitrator (Al-Hakam)

The Avenger (Al-Muntaqim)

The Banisher (Al-Muakhkhir)

The Beneficent (An-Naafi)

The Benevolent, The Subtle (Al-Lateef)

The Bestower, The Best Sustainer (Al-Wahhaab)

The Compeller (Al-Jabbaar)

The Creator (Al-Khaaliq)

The Decision Maker (Al-Muqtadir)

The Effacer of Sins (Al-Afoo)

The Equitable (Al-Muqsit)

The Eternal (As-Samad)

The Everlasting (Al-Baaqee)

The Ever-Relenting (At-Tawwaab)

The Exalted Owner of High Rank and Place (Al-Mutaalee)

The Exalter (Ar-Rafi)

The Expander (Al-Baasit)

The Fashioner (Al-Musawwir)

The First (Al-Aawwal)

The Generous (Al-Kareem)

The Giver of Wealth (Al-Ghanee)

The Grateful, The Appreciative (Ash-Shakoor)

The Great (Al-Kabeer)

The Guide (Al-Haadee)

The Hidden (Al-Baatin)

The Holder (Al-Qaabidh)

The Inheritor (Al-Waarith)

The Inventor, The Best Plotter (Al-Baari)

The Just (Al-Adl)

The King of Kings (Maalik al-Mulk)

The Last (Al-Aakhir)

The Life-Giver (Al-Muhee)

The Light (An-Noor)

The Living (Al-Hayy)

The Lord of Majesty and Generosity (Dhool-Jalaali wal-Ikraam

The Magnificent, Supreme (Al-Maajid)

The Majestic (Al-Jaleel)

The Manifest, The Evident (Ath-Thaahir)

The Mild (Al-Haleem)

The Most High (Al-Alee)

The Most Loving (Al-Wadood)

The Omniscient (Al-Aleem)

The One Who Abases (Al-Khaafidh)

The One who Answers Prayers (Al-Mujeeb)

The One Who Brings Contentment (Al-Mughnee)

The One Who Honors (Al-Muizz)

The One Who Raises The Dead (Al-Baaith)

The One Who Unites (Al-Jaamee)

The Opener, The Knowing Judge (Al-Fattaah)

The Original (Al-Badee)

The Patient (As-Saboor)

The Patron (Al-Walee)

The Perpetual Forgiver (Al-Ghaffaar)

The Prevailing, The Dominator (Al-Qahhaar)

The Promoter (Al-Muqaddim)

The Protector (Al-Hafeeth)

The Provider (Ar-Razzaaq)

The Provider of Nourishment (Al-Muqeet)

The Punisher (Adh-Dharr)

The Reckoner (Al-Haseeb)

The Resourceful (Al-Waajid)

The Restorer (Al-Mueed)

The Right in Guidance (Ar-Rasheed)

The Ruler of All (Al-Waalee)

The Self-Sufficient (Al-Qayyoom)

The Slayer (Al-Mumeet)

The Steadfast (Al-Mateen)

The Strong (Al-Qawee)

The Tremendous, The Most Great, The Supreme And Glory (Al-Adheem)

The True (Al-Haqq)

The Trustee (Al-Wakeel)

The Unique (Al-Waahid)

The Universal Witness (Ash-Shaheed)

The Vast, The All-Embracing (Al-Waasi)

The Wise (Al-Hakeem)

The Wonderful Originator (Al-Mubdee)



Listen to ALLAH 99 beautiful names in Arabic


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