(Al-Baqara [2:261]) In the name of The Lord (Allah), Most Gracious, Most Merciful The parable of those who spend their money in the way of The Lord (Allah) is that of a grain of wheat: it groweth seven ears, and each ear hath a hundred grains. The Lord (Allah) gives manifold increase to whom He pleaseth: And The Lord (Allah) careth for all and He knoweth all things
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God (Allah) 99 Names God (Allaah) Most Merciful (Ar-Rahmaan) The Eminent, The Exalted in Might (Al-Azeez) The Especially Merciful (Ar-Raheem) The Flawless, The Source Of Peace And Perfection (As-Salaam) The Guardian and Bestower Of Faith (Al-Mumin) The Holy, The Pure (Al-Quddoos) The King, The True Sovereign (Al-Malik) The Overseer (Al-Muhaymin) The One Who Has Knowledge of Each Separate Item (Al-Muhsee) He Who Humbles (Al-Mudhill) The Achiever of Good (Al-Barr) The Acquainted (Al-Khabeer) The All-Forgiving (Al-Ghafoor) The All-Glorious (Al-Majeed) The All-Hearing (As-Samee) The All-Observant (Ar-Raqeeb) The All-Powerful (Al-Qaadir) The All-Praiseworthy (Al-Hameed) The All-Preserver, The Safeguard (Al-Hafeeth) The All-Seeing (Al-Baseer) The All-Sympathetic (Ar-Raoof) The Arbitrator (Al-Hakam) The Avenger (Al-Muntaqim) The Banisher (Al-Muakhkhir) The Beneficent (An-Naafi) The Benevolent, The Subtle (Al-Lateef) The Bestower, The Best Sustainer (Al-Wahhaab) The Compeller (Al-Jabbaar) The Creator (Al-Khaaliq) The Decision Maker (Al-Muqtadir) The Effacer of Sins (Al-Afoo) The Equitable (Al-Muqsit) The Eternal (As-Samad) The Everlasting (Al-Baaqee) The Ever-Relenting (At-Tawwaab) The Exalted Owner of High Rank and Place (Al-Mutaalee) The Exalter (Ar-Rafi) The Expander (Al-Baasit) The Fashioner (Al-Musawwir) The First (Al-Aawwal) The Generous (Al-Kareem) The Giver of Wealth (Al-Ghanee) The Grateful, The Appreciative (Ash-Shakoor) The Great (Al-Kabeer) The Guide (Al-Haadee) The Hidden (Al-Baatin) The Holder (Al-Qaabidh) The Inheritor (Al-Waarith) The Inventor, The Best Plotter (Al-Baari) The Just (Al-Adl) The King of Kings (Maalik al-Mulk) The Last (Al-Aakhir) The Life-Giver (Al-Muhee) The Light (An-Noor) The Living (Al-Hayy) The Lord of Majesty and Generosity (Dhool-Jalaali wal-Ikraam The Magnificent, Supreme (Al-Maajid) The Majestic (Al-Jaleel) The Manifest, The Evident (Ath-Thaahir) The Mild (Al-Haleem) The Most High (Al-Alee) The Most Loving (Al-Wadood) The Omniscient (Al-Aleem) The One Who Abases (Al-Khaafidh) The One who Answers Prayers (Al-Mujeeb) The One Who Brings Contentment (Al-Mughnee) The One Who Honors (Al-Muizz) The One Who Raises The Dead (Al-Baaith) The One Who Unites (Al-Jaamee) The Opener, The Knowing Judge (Al-Fattaah) The Original (Al-Badee) The Patient (As-Saboor) The Patron (Al-Walee) The Perpetual Forgiver (Al-Ghaffaar) The Prevailing, The Dominator (Al-Qahhaar) The Promoter (Al-Muqaddim) The Protector (Al-Hafeeth) The Provider (Ar-Razzaaq) The Provider of Nourishment (Al-Muqeet) The Punisher (Adh-Dharr) The Reckoner (Al-Haseeb) The Resourceful (Al-Waajid) The Restorer (Al-Mueed) The Right in Guidance (Ar-Rasheed) The Ruler of All (Al-Waalee) The Self-Sufficient (Al-Qayyoom) The Slayer (Al-Mumeet) The Steadfast (Al-Mateen) The Strong (Al-Qawee) The Tremendous, The Most Great, The Supreme And Glory (Al-Adheem) The True (Al-Haqq) The Trustee (Al-Wakeel) The Unique (Al-Waahid) The Universal Witness (Ash-Shaheed) The Vast, The All-Embracing (Al-Waasi) The Wise (Al-Hakeem) The Wonderful Originator (Al-Mubdee)
God (Allaah) Most Merciful (Ar-Rahmaan) The Eminent, The Exalted in Might (Al-Azeez) The Especially Merciful (Ar-Raheem) The Flawless, The Source Of Peace And Perfection (As-Salaam) The Guardian and Bestower Of Faith (Al-Mumin) The Holy, The Pure (Al-Quddoos) The King, The True Sovereign (Al-Malik) The Overseer (Al-Muhaymin) The One Who Has Knowledge of Each Separate Item (Al-Muhsee) He Who Humbles (Al-Mudhill) The Achiever of Good (Al-Barr) The Acquainted (Al-Khabeer) The All-Forgiving (Al-Ghafoor) The All-Glorious (Al-Majeed) The All-Hearing (As-Samee) The All-Observant (Ar-Raqeeb) The All-Powerful (Al-Qaadir) The All-Praiseworthy (Al-Hameed) The All-Preserver, The Safeguard (Al-Hafeeth) The All-Seeing (Al-Baseer) The All-Sympathetic (Ar-Raoof) The Arbitrator (Al-Hakam) The Avenger (Al-Muntaqim) The Banisher (Al-Muakhkhir) The Beneficent (An-Naafi) The Benevolent, The Subtle (Al-Lateef) The Bestower, The Best Sustainer (Al-Wahhaab) The Compeller (Al-Jabbaar) The Creator (Al-Khaaliq) The Decision Maker (Al-Muqtadir) The Effacer of Sins (Al-Afoo) The Equitable (Al-Muqsit) The Eternal (As-Samad) The Everlasting (Al-Baaqee) The Ever-Relenting (At-Tawwaab) The Exalted Owner of High Rank and Place (Al-Mutaalee) The Exalter (Ar-Rafi) The Expander (Al-Baasit) The Fashioner (Al-Musawwir) The First (Al-Aawwal) The Generous (Al-Kareem) The Giver of Wealth (Al-Ghanee) The Grateful, The Appreciative (Ash-Shakoor) The Great (Al-Kabeer) The Guide (Al-Haadee) The Hidden (Al-Baatin) The Holder (Al-Qaabidh) The Inheritor (Al-Waarith) The Inventor, The Best Plotter (Al-Baari) The Just (Al-Adl) The King of Kings (Maalik al-Mulk) The Last (Al-Aakhir) The Life-Giver (Al-Muhee) The Light (An-Noor) The Living (Al-Hayy) The Lord of Majesty and Generosity (Dhool-Jalaali wal-Ikraam The Magnificent, Supreme (Al-Maajid) The Majestic (Al-Jaleel) The Manifest, The Evident (Ath-Thaahir) The Mild (Al-Haleem) The Most High (Al-Alee) The Most Loving (Al-Wadood) The Omniscient (Al-Aleem) The One Who Abases (Al-Khaafidh) The One who Answers Prayers (Al-Mujeeb) The One Who Brings Contentment (Al-Mughnee) The One Who Honors (Al-Muizz) The One Who Raises The Dead (Al-Baaith) The One Who Unites (Al-Jaamee) The Opener, The Knowing Judge (Al-Fattaah) The Original (Al-Badee) The Patient (As-Saboor) The Patron (Al-Walee) The Perpetual Forgiver (Al-Ghaffaar) The Prevailing, The Dominator (Al-Qahhaar) The Promoter (Al-Muqaddim) The Protector (Al-Hafeeth) The Provider (Ar-Razzaaq) The Provider of Nourishment (Al-Muqeet) The Punisher (Adh-Dharr) The Reckoner (Al-Haseeb) The Resourceful (Al-Waajid) The Restorer (Al-Mueed) The Right in Guidance (Ar-Rasheed) The Ruler of All (Al-Waalee) The Self-Sufficient (Al-Qayyoom) The Slayer (Al-Mumeet) The Steadfast (Al-Mateen) The Strong (Al-Qawee) The Tremendous, The Most Great, The Supreme And Glory (Al-Adheem) The True (Al-Haqq) The Trustee (Al-Wakeel) The Unique (Al-Waahid) The Universal Witness (Ash-Shaheed) The Vast, The All-Embracing (Al-Waasi) The Wise (Al-Hakeem) The Wonderful Originator (Al-Mubdee)
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