Becoming Muslim
Mrs. Cecilia Mahmuda
Cannolly (Australia)
Why I embraced Islam ?
First and foremost I would say it was because fundamentally I
had always been a Muslim without being aware of it.
Very early in my life I had lost faith in Christianity for
many reasons, the major one being that whenever I questioned any
Christian, whether it was a person belonging to the so called
Holy Orders or a layman, regarding any point that puzzled me in
regard to the Church teachings, I invariably received the
monotonous answer : `You must not question the teachings of the
Church; you must have faith.' I did not have the courage in
those days to say : `I cannot have faith in something that I do
not understand', and, from my experience, neither do most of the
people who call themselves Christians. What I did do was to
leave the Church (Roman Catholic) and its teaching and to place
my faith in the one true god in whom it was much easier to
believe, than in the three gods of the Church. By contrast with
the mysteries and miracles of the Christian teaching, life took
on a new and wider meaning, no longer cramped with dogma and
ritual. Everywhere I looked I could see God's work. And
although, in common with greater minds than my own, I could not
understand the miracles that happened before my eyes, I could
stand and marvel at the wonder of it all --- the trees, flowers,
birds and animals. Even a new born babe became a beautiful
miracle, not the same thing that the Church had taught me to
believe at all. I remembered how, when a child, I gazed at
newborn babies and thought, 'It's all covered in black sin', I
no longer believed in ugliness; everything became beautiful.
Then one day my daughter brought home a book about Islam. We
became so interested in it that we followed it up with many
other books on Islam. We soon realized that this was really what
we believed. During the time I had believed in Christianity I
had been led to believe that Islam was only something to joke
about. Thus all that I then read was a revelation to me. After a
while I looked up some Muslims and questioned them on some of
the points that were not quite clear to me. Here again there was
yet another revelation. My questions were all answered promptly
and concisely, so different from the frustration I had
experienced when questioning Christianity. After much reading
and studying of the religion of Islam both my daughter and
myself decided to become Muslims, taking the names of Rashida
and Mahmuda respectively.
If I were asked what impressed me most in the religion of
Islam, I would probably say the prayers, because prayers in
Christianity are used wholly in begging God (through Jesus
Christ) to grant worldly favours, whereas in Islam they ar used
to give praise and thanks to Almighty God for all His blessings
since He knows what is necessary for our welfare and grants us
what we need without our asking it.
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