Becoming Muslim
Lady Evelyn Zeinab
Cobbold (England)
I am often asked when and why I became a Muslim. I can only
reply that I do not know the precise moment when the truth of
Islam dawned upon me. It seems that I have always been a Muslim.
This is not so strange when one remembers that Islam is the
natural religion that a child, left to itself, would develop.
Indeed as a Western critic once described it. `Islam is the
religion of common sense.'
The more I read and the more I studied, the more convinced I
became that Islam was the most practical religion, and the one
most calculated to solve the world's many perplexing problems,
and to bring to humanity peace and happiness. Since then I have
never wavered in my belief that there is but one God; that
Moses, Jesus, Muhammad and others before (peace be on all of
them) were prophets, divinely inspired, that to every nation God
has sent an apostle, that we are not born in sin, and that we do
not need any redemption, that we do not need anyone to intercede
between us and God, Whom we can approach at all times, and that
no one can intercede for us, not even Muhammad or Jesus
[unless God permits it -ed.], and that our salvation
depends entirely on ourselves and on our actions.
The word `Islam' means surrender to God. It also means peace.
A Muslim is one who is `in harmony with the decrees of the
author of this world', one who has made his peace with God and
His creatures.
Islam is based on two fundamental truths: (a) the Oneness of
God and (b) the Brotherhood of Man, and is entirely free from
any encumbrances of theological dogma. Above everything else it
is a positive faith.
The influence of the Hajj cannot be exaggerated. To be a
member of that huge congregation gathered together from the four
corners of the earth, on this sacred occasion and on the sacred
spot, and to join with this mass of humanity, in all humility,
in the glorification of God, is to have one's consciousness
impressed by the full significance of the Islamic ideal, is to
be privileged to participate in one of the most soul inspiring
experiences that have ever been granted to human beings. To
visit the birthplace of Islam, to tread the sacred ground of the
prophet's struggle to call erring humanity back to God, is to
re-live those hallowed by the memories of Muhammad's long toil
and sufferings in glorious years of sacrifice martyrdom, is to
have one's soul kindled by that celestial fire which lighted up
the whole earth. But this is not all. The Hajj, above
everything else, makes for unity among Moslems. If there is
anything that unifies the scattered forces of Islam and imbues
them with mutual sympathy it is the pilgrimage. It provides them
with a central point to which they rally from all corners of the
earth. It creates for them annually an occasion to meet and know
one another, to exchange views and compare experiences and unite
their various efforts to the common good. Distances are
annihilated. Differences of sect are set aside. Divergences of
race and colour cease to exist in this fraternity of faith that
unites all Moslems in one great brotherhood and makes them
conscious of the glorious heritage that is theirs.
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