Dear Christians,
Eve was made from the rib of a Man, Jesus was made from a womb of
a woman, which sounds more miraculous to you?"
Secondly, "Who then is Eve's second parent? you can suggest that
she is from Adam, who then is Her Mother? Aren't all humans born
with a Mother and Father?"
Mary's womb was barren and childless similar to Adam's rib,
childless and barren.
Adam's rib made Eve and Mary's womb made Jesus.
Christians claim that Allah is Jesus's father, who then is Eve's
The womb and the rib were used as a tool by Allah to Create.
Eve was born from another human as Jesus was born from another
human, Jesus was born with the help of Allah as Eve was born with
the help of Allah, who then is Eve's mother?
Allah has no gender, and does not beget.
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