Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 69:26
al-Haqqah - The Reality, The Inevitable
Verse: 69 : 26

< 69:27   69:25 >

al-Haqqah (The Reality, The Inevitable) 69:26

69:26 ولم ادر ماحسابيه

TransliterationWalam adri ma hisabiyah
LiteralAnd I did not know what my account/calculation (is).

Yusuf Ali"And that I had never realised how my account (stood)!
PickthalAnd knew not what my reckoning!
Arberry and not known my reckoning!
ShakirAnd I had not known what my account was:
Sarwarand that we would never knew what our records contained.
Khalifa"I wish I never knew my account.
Hilali/Khan"And that I had never known, how my Account is?
H/K/SaheehAnd had not known what is my account.
Maliknor known what my account was![26]
QXPAnd knew not my account.
Maulana AliAnd I had not known what my account was!
Free Minds"And that I never knew my account,"
Qaribullah Nor that I knew my reckoning!

George Saleand that I had not known what this my account was!
JM RodwellAnd that I had never known my reckoning!

Asadand neither known this my account!

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