Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 80:24
`Abasa - He Frowned
Verse: 80 : 24

< 80:25   80:23 >

`Abasa (He Frowned) 80:24

80:24 فلينظر الانسان الى طعامه

TransliterationFalyanthuri al-insanu ila taAAamihi
LiteralSo the human/mankind should look/watch to his food.

Yusuf AliThen let man look at his food, (and how We provide it):
PickthalLet man consider his food:
Arberry Let Man consider his nourishment.
ShakirThen let man look to his food,
SarwarLet the human being think about (how We produce) his food.
KhalifaLet the human consider his food!
Hilali/KhanThen let man look at his food,
H/K/SaheehThen let mankind look at his food
MalikLet man reflect on the food he eats,[24]
QXPLet man consider his food. (His own food has involved so many hands from the field to the mouth. Shouldn't he share Our provision with others?)
Maulana AliThen let man look at his food --
Free MindsLet man look to his provisions.
Qaribullah Let the human reflect on the food he eats,

George SaleLet man consider his food; in what manner it is provided.
JM RodwellLet man look at his food:

AsadLet man, then, consider [the sources of] his food:

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