Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 80:27
`Abasa - He Frowned
Verse: 80 : 27

< 80:28   80:26 >

`Abasa (He Frowned) 80:27

80:27 فانبتنا فيها حبا

TransliterationFaanbatna feeha habban
LiteralSo We sprouted/grew in it seeds/grains.

Yusuf AliAnd produce therein corn,
PickthalAnd cause the grain to grow therein
Arberry and therein made the grains to grow
ShakirThen We cause to grow therein the grain,
Sarwarto yield therein corn,
KhalifaWe grow in it grains.
Hilali/KhanAnd We cause therein the grain to grow,
H/K/SaheehAnd caused to grow within it grain
MalikHow We bring forth grain,[27]
QXPAnd cause the grain to grow therein.
Maulana AliThen cause the grain to grow therein,
Free MindsAnd We made grow in it seeds.
Qaribullah how We made the grain to grow,

George Saleand We cause corn to spring forth therein,
JM RodwellAnd caused the upgrowth of the grain,

Asadand thereupon We cause grain to grow out of it,

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