Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 55:48
ar-Rahman - The Beneficent, The Mercy Giving, The Merciful
Verse: 55 : 48

< 55:49   55:47 >

ar-Rahman (The Beneficent, The Mercy Giving, The Merciful) 55:48

55:48 ذواتا افنان

TransliterationThawata afnanin
Literal(B) of (the two treed gardens) have branches.

Yusuf AliContaining all kinds (of trees and delights);-
PickthalOf spreading branches.
Arberry abounding in branches --
ShakirHaving in them various kinds.
Sarwarîfull of various trees.
KhalifaFull of provisions.
Hilali/KhanWith spreading branches;
H/K/SaheehHaving [spreading] branches.
MalikHaving shady trees with lush green branches.[48]
QXPAbounding in two facets, art and science. ('Afnan' = Creative works, art and science).
Maulana AliFull of varieties.
Free MindsFull of provisions.
Qaribullah (Gardens) with many branches.

George SalePlanted with shady trees.
JM RodwellWith o'erbranching trees in each:

Asad[two gardens] of many wondrous hues. [According to Tabari, the noun fann (lit., "mode" or "manner") is in this case synonymous with lawn ("colour" or "hue"). Afnan is a double plural, and hence denotes "many hues" and since - as pointed out in the Taj al-Arus - one of the several accepted meanings of fann is "a wonderful thing", afnan can also be understood as "many wonderful things". The rendering adopted by me combines both these interpretations. As regards the indescribable nature of what is termed "paradise", see 32:17 and the corresponding note.]

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