Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 56:13
al-Waqi`ah - The Event, The Inevitable, That Which is Coming
Verse: 56 : 13

< 56:14   56:12 >

al-Waqi`ah (The Event, The Inevitable, That Which is Coming) 56:13

56:13 ثلة من الاولين

TransliterationThullatun mina al-awwaleena
LiteralA group from the first/beginners.

Yusuf AliA number of people from those of old,
PickthalA multitude of those of old
Arberry (a throng of the ancients
ShakirA numerous company from among the first,
SarwarMany of them will be from the ancient people
KhalifaMany from the first generations.
Hilali/KhanA multitude of those (foremost) will be from the first generations (who embraced Islam).
H/K/SaheehA [large] company of the former peoples
MalikMost of them will be from the former[13]
QXPA good many of those who led in goodness.
Maulana AliA multitude from among the first,
Free MindsMany from the first generations.
Qaribullah a host of the ancients

George Sale-- There shall be many of the former religions;
JM RodwellA crowd of the former

Asada good many of those of olden times,

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