Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 69:8
al-Haqqah - The Reality, The Inevitable
Verse: 69 : 8

< 69:9   69:7 >

al-Haqqah (The Reality, The Inevitable) 69:8

69:8 فهل ترى لهم من باقية

TransliterationFahal tara lahum min baqiyatin
LiteralSo do you see for them from a remainder/remnant?

Yusuf AliThen seest thou any of them left surviving?
PickthalCanst thou (O Muhammad) see any remnant of them?
Arberry Now dost thou see any remnant of them?
ShakirDo you then see of them one remaining?
SarwarCan you see any of their survivors?.
KhalifaCan you find any trace of them?
Hilali/KhanDo you see any remnants of them?
H/K/SaheehThen do you see of them any remains?
MalikNow, do you see any of them alive?[8]
QXPNow, can you see any remnants of them?
Maulana AliSo canst thou see a remnant of them?
Free MindsDo you see any remnants of them?
Qaribullah Can you see any remnant of them now?

George Saleand couldest thou have seen any of them remaining?
JM RodwellAnd couldst thou have seen one of them surviving?

Asadand dost thou now see any remnant of them?

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