"Why do Muslim women have to cover their heads?"
This question is one which is asked by Muslim and non-Muslim
alike. For many women it is the truest test of being a Muslim.
The answer to the question is very simple - Muslim women
observe HIJAB (covering the head and the body) because Allah
has told them to do so.
"O Prophet, tell your wives and daughters and the
believing women to draw their outer garments around them (when
they go out or are among men). That is better in order that
they may be known (to be Muslims) and not annoyed..." (Qur'an 33:59)
Other secondary reasons include the requirement for modesty
in both men and women. Both will then be evaluated for
intelligence and skills instead of looks and sexuality. An
Iranian school girl is quoted as saying, "We want to stop
men from treating us like sex objects, as they have always done.
We want them to ignore our appearance and to be attentive to our
personalities and mind. We want them to take us seriously and
treat us as equals and not just chase us around for our bodies
and physical looks." A Muslim woman who covers her head is
making a statement about her identity. Anyone who sees her will
know that she is a Muslim and has a good moral character. Many
Muslim women who cover are filled with dignity and self esteem;
they are pleased to be identified as a Muslim woman. As a
chaste, modest, pure woman, she does not want her sexuality to
enter into interactions with men in the smallest degree. A woman
who covers herself is concealing her sexuality but allowing her
femininity to be brought out.
The question of hijab for Muslim women has been a controversy
for centuries and will probably continue for many more. Some
learned people do not consider the subject open to discussion
and consider that covering the face is required, while a
majority are of the opinion that it is not required. A middle
line position is taken by some who claim that the instructions
are vague and open to individual discretion depending on the
situation. The wives of the Prophet (S) were required to cover
their faces so that men would not think of them in sexual terms
since they were the "Mothers of the Believers," but
this requirement was not extended to other women.
The word "hijab" comes from the Arabic word
"hajaba" meaning to hide from view or conceal.
In the present time, the context of hijab is the modest covering
of a Muslim woman. The question now is what is the extent of
the covering? The Qur'an says:
"Say to the believing man that they should lower their
gaze and guard their modesty; that will make for greater
purity for them; and Allah is well acquainted with all that
they do. And say to the believing women that they should lower
their gaze and guard their modesty; and that they should not
display their beauty and ornaments except what must ordinarily
appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their
bosoms and not display their beauty except to their
husbands..." (Qur'an 24:30-31)
These verses from the Qur'an contain two main injunctions:
- A woman should not show her beauty or adornments except
what appears by uncontrolled factors such as the wind blowing
her clothes, and
- the head covers should be drawn so as to cover the hair,
the neck and the bosom.
Islam has no fixed standard as to the style of dress or type
of clothing that Muslims must wear. However, some requirements
must be met. The first of these requirements is the parts of the
body which must be covered. Islam has two sources for guidance
and rulings: first, the Qur'an, the revealed word of Allah
and secondly, the Hadith or the traditions of the Prophet
Muhammad (S) who was chosen by Allah to be the
role model for mankind. The following is a Tradition of the
"Ayesha (R) reported that Asmaa the daughter of Abu Bakr
(R) came to the Messenger of Allah (S) while
wearing thin clothing. He approached her and said: 'O
Asmaa! When a girl reaches the menstrual age, it is not proper
that anything should remain exposed except this and this. He
pointed to the face and hands." (Abu Dawood)
The second requirement is looseness. The clothing must be
loose enough so as not to describe the shape of the woman's
body. One desirable way to hide the shape of the body is to wear
a cloak over other clothes. However, if the clothing is loose
enough, an outer garment is not necessary. Thickness is the
third requirement. The clothing must be thick enough so as not
to show the colour of the skin it covers or the shape of the
body. The Prophet Muhammad (S) stated that in later
generations of his ummah there would be "women who would be
dressed but naked and on top of their heads (what looks like)
camel humps. Curse them for they are truly cursed." (Muslim)
Another requirement is an over-all dignified appearance. The
clothing should not attract men's attention to the woman. It
should not be shiny and flashy so that everyone notices the
dress and the woman. In addition there are other requirements:
- Women must not dress so as to appear as men.
"Ibn Abbas narrated: 'The Prophet (S) cursed the men who
appear like women and the women who appear like men.'" (Bukhari)
- Women should not dress in a way similar to the
- The clothing should be modest, not excessively fancy and
also not excessively ragged to gain others admiration or
Often forgotten is the fact that modern Western dress is a
new invention. Looking at the clothing of women as recently as
seventy years ago, we see clothing similar to hijab. These
active and hard-working women of the West were not inhibited by
their clothing which consisted of long, full dresses and various
types of head covering. Muslim women who wear hijab do not find
it impractical or interfering with their activities in all
levels and walks of life. Hijab is not merely a covering
dress but more importantly, it is behaviour, manners, speech and
appearance in public. Dress is only one facet of the total
being. The basic requirement of the Muslim woman's
dress apply to the Muslim man's clothing with the difference
being mainly in degree. Modesty requires that the area between
the navel and the knee be covered in front of all people except
the wife. The clothing of men should not be like the dress of
women, nor should it be tight or provocative. A Muslim should
dress to show his identity as a Muslim. Men are not allowed to
wear gold or silk. However, both are allowed for women.
For both men and women, clothing requirements are not meant
to be a restriction but rather a way in which society will
function in a proper, Islamic manner.
Mary C. Ali
III&E Brochure Series
(published by The Institute of Islamic Information and Education
(III&E) and reproduced in electronic form by Islamic Academy for
Scientific Research with permission)
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