Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 35:20
Fatir - The Angels, Originator, The Creator
Verse: 35 : 20

< 35:21   35:19 >

Fatir (The Angels, Originator, The Creator) 35:20

35:20 ولاالظلمات ولاالنور

TransliterationWala alththulumatu wala alnnooru
LiteralAnd nor the darknesses, and nor the light.

Yusuf AliNor are the depths of Darkness and the Light;
PickthalNor is darkness (tantamount to) light;
Arberry the shadows and the light,
ShakirNor the darkness and the light,
Sarwarnor are darkness and light
KhalifaNor are the darkness and the light.
Hilali/KhanNor are (alike) the darkness (disbelief) and the light (Belief in Islamic Monotheism).
H/K/SaheehNor are the darknesses and the light,
Maliknor the darkness and the Light;[20]
QXPNor are the Darkness and the Light.
Maulana AliNor the darkness and the light,
Free MindsNor are the darkness and the light.
Qaribullah nor are darkness and light.

George Saleneither darkness and light;
JM Rodwellneither darkness and light;

Asadnor are the depths of darkness and the light;

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