Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 69:24
al-Haqqah - The Reality, The Inevitable
Verse: 69 : 24

< 69:25   69:23 >

al-Haqqah (The Reality, The Inevitable) 69:24

69:24 كلوا واشربوا هنيئا بما اسلفتم في الايام الخالية

TransliterationKuloo waishraboo hanee-an bima aslaftum fee al-ayyami alkhaliyati
LiteralEat and drink pleasurable/wholesome/tasty because (of) what you advanced in the days/times, the past/expired .

Yusuf Ali"Eat ye and drink ye, with full satisfaction; because of the (good) that ye sent before you, in the days that are gone!"
Pickthal(And it will be said unto those therein): Eat and drink at ease for that which ye sent on before you in past days.
Arberry 'Eat and drink with wholesome appetite for that you did long ago, in the days gone by.'
ShakirEat and drink pleasantly for what you did beforehand in the days gone by.
SarwarSuch people will be told, "Eat and drink with pleasure as the reward for what you did in the past".
KhalifaEat and drink happily in return for your works in days past.
Hilali/KhanEat and drink at ease for that which you have sent on before you in days past!
H/K/Saheeh[They will be told], "Eat and drink in satisfaction for what you put forth in the days past."
MalikWe shall say to him: "Eat and drink to your heart's content; this is a reward for what you did in the days gone by."[24]
QXPEat and drink gleefully for what you did in the days past.
Maulana AliEat and drink pleasantly for that which you sent on before in bygone days.
Free Minds"Eat and drink merrily in return for your works in days past."
Qaribullah (It will be said): 'Eat and drink with a good appetite because of what you did in days long passed. '

George SaleEat and drink with easy digestion; because of the good works which ye sent before you, in the days which are past.
JM RodwellEat ye and drink with healthy relish, as the meed of what ye sent on beforehand in the days which are past.

Asad[And all who are thus blest will be told:] "Eat and drink with good cheer in return for all [the good deeds] that you have sent ahead in days gone by!"

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