Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 70:13
al-Ma`arij - The Ascending Stairways, The Ladders
Verse: 70 : 13

< 70:14   70:12 >

al-Ma`arij (The Ascending Stairways, The Ladders) 70:13

70:13 وفصيلته التي تؤويه

TransliterationWafaseelatihi allatee tu/weehi
LiteralAnd his closest tribe/relations which shelters him/gives him refuge.

Yusuf AliHis kindred who sheltered him,
PickthalAnd his kin that harboured him
Arberry his kin who sheltered him,
ShakirAnd the nearest of his kinsfolk who gave him shelter,
Sarwarhis kinsmen who gave him refuge (from hardship)
KhalifaEven his whole tribe that raised him.
Hilali/KhanAnd his kindred who sheltered him,
H/K/SaheehAnd his nearest kindred who shelter him
Malikhis relatives who gave him shelter -[13]
QXPAnd his whole family and the tribe that raised and sheltered him.
Maulana AliAnd his kin that gave him shelter,
Free MindsAs well as his whole clan that protected him.
Qaribullah the kinsmen who gave him shelter,

George Saleand his kindred who shewed kindness unto him,
JM RodwellAnd of his kindred who shewed affection for him,

Asadand of all the kinsfolk who ever sheltered him,

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