Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 74:4
al-Mudathir - The Cloaked One, The Man Wearing a Cloak, The Clothed One
Verse: 74 : 4

< 74:5   74:3 >

al-Mudathir (The Cloaked One, The Man Wearing a Cloak, The Clothed One) 74:4

74:4 وثيابك فطهر

TransliterationWathiyabaka fatahhir
LiteralAnd your clothes/garments , so purify/clean .

Yusuf AliAnd thy garments keep free from stain!
PickthalThy raiment purify,
Arberry thy robes purify
ShakirAnd your garments do purify,
Sarwarstay away from sins
KhalifaPurify your garment.
Hilali/KhanAnd your garments purify!
H/K/SaheehAnd your clothing purify
Malikpurify your clothes,[4]
QXPKeep a meticulous character! (Literally, purify your garments).
Maulana Aliand thy garments do purify,
Free MindsAnd purify your outer garments.
Qaribullah and purify your clothing,

George SaleAnd cleanse thy garments:
JM RodwellThy raiment-purify it!

AsadAnd thine inner self purify!

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