Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 77:17
al-Mursalat - The Emissaries, Winds Sent Forth
Verse: 77 : 17

< 77:18   77:16 >

al-Mursalat (The Emissaries, Winds Sent Forth) 77:17

77:17 ثم نتبعهم الاخرين

TransliterationThumma nutbiAAuhumu al-akhireena
LiteralThen We make them followed (by) the lasts/others .

Yusuf AliSo shall We make later (generations) follow them.
PickthalThen caused the latter folk to follow after?
Arberry and then follow them with the later folk?
ShakirThen did We follow them up with later ones.
Sarwarand make others settle after them in their land?.
KhalifaThen we made others follow them?
Hilali/KhanSo shall We make later generations to follow them.
H/K/SaheehThen We will follow them with the later ones.
MalikAnd We shall do the same to later generations who will follow them.[17]
QXPThen We made them followed by later generations.
Maulana AliThen We followed them up with later ones.
Free MindsThen We made others succeed them?
Qaribullah and let the latter follow them?

George SaleWe will also cause those of the latter times to follow them.
JM RodwellWe will next cause those of later times to follow them.

AsadAnd We shall let them be followed by those of later times:

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