Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 77:4
al-Mursalat - The Emissaries, Winds Sent Forth
Verse: 77 : 4

< 77:5   77:3 >

al-Mursalat (The Emissaries, Winds Sent Forth) 77:4

77:4 فالفارقات فرقا

TransliterationFaalfariqati farqan
LiteralSo the separated clouds/separators of right and wrong , separating.

Yusuf AliThen separate them, one from another,
PickthalBy those who winnow with a winnowing,
Arberry and the severally severing
ShakirThen separate them one from another,
Sarwarby (the angels) who make a clear distinction between right and wrong
KhalifaDistribute the provisions.
Hilali/KhanAnd by the Verses (of the Quran) that separate the right from the wrong.
H/K/SaheehAnd those [angels] who bring criterion
Malikthen separate them one from another.[4]
QXPWhile distinguishing the Right from Wrong with a clear distinction.
Maulana AliThen those making a distinction!
Free MindsSo the separators which divide.
Qaribullah then the criterion (the verses of Koran), separating

George Saleand by those which separate truth from falsehood, by distinguishing the same;
JM RodwellAnd the distinguishers who distinguish;

Asadthus separating [right and wrong] with all clarity,

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