Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 78:32
an-Naba' - The Tidings, The Announcement
Verse: 78 : 32

< 78:33   78:31 >

an-Naba' (The Tidings, The Announcement) 78:32

78:32 حدائق واعنابا

TransliterationHada-iqa waaAAnaban
LiteralFenced gardens and grapes .

Yusuf AliGardens enclosed, and grapevines;
PickthalGardens enclosed and vineyards,
Arberry gardens and vineyards
ShakirGardens and vineyards,
SarwarThey will have gardens and vineyards,
KhalifaOrchards and grapes.
Hilali/KhanGardens and grapeyards;
H/K/SaheehGardens and grapevines
Malikbeautiful gardens, vineyards;[32]
QXPBeautiful gardens and vineyards.
Maulana AliGardens and vineyards,
Free MindsGardens and vineyards.
Qaribullah and gardens and vineyards,

George SaleGardens planted with trees, and vineyards,
JM RodwellEnclosed gardens and vineyards;

Asadluxuriant gardens and vinyards,

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