Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 78:34
an-Naba' - The Tidings, The Announcement
Verse: 78 : 34

< 78:35   78:33 >

an-Naba' (The Tidings, The Announcement) 78:34

78:34 وكاسا دهاقا

TransliterationWaka/san dihaqan
LiteralAnd a cup filled to the rim .

Yusuf AliAnd a cup full (to the brim).
PickthalAnd a full cup.
Arberry and a cup overflowing.
ShakirAnd a pure cup.
Sarwarand cups full of wine.
KhalifaDelicious drinks.
Hilali/KhanAnd a full cup (of wine).
H/K/SaheehAnd a full cup.
Malikand overflowing cups;[34]
QXPAnd a cup of delight overflowing.
Maulana AliAnd a pure cup.
Free MindsAnd a cup that is full.
Qaribullah and an overflowing cup.

George Saleand a full cup.
JM RodwellAnd a full cup:

Asadand a cup [of happiness] overflowing.

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