Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 96:5
al-`Alaq - The Clot, Read
Verse: 96 : 5

< 96:6   96:4 >

al-`Alaq (The Clot, Read) 96:5

96:5 علم الانسان مالم يعلم

TransliterationAAallama al-insana ma lam yaAAlam
LiteralHe taught/instructed the human/mankind what he did not know.

Yusuf AliTaught man that which he knew not.
PickthalTeacheth man that which he knew not.
Arberry taught Man that he knew not.
ShakirTaught man what he knew not.
SarwarHe taught the human being what he did not know.
KhalifaHe teaches man what he never knew.
Hilali/KhanHas taught man that which he knew not.
H/K/SaheehTaught man that which he knew not.
Maliktaught man what he knew not.[5]
QXPTaught man what he knew not.
Maulana AliTaught man what he knew not.
Free MindsHe taught man what he did not know.
Qaribullah taught the human what he did not know.

George SaleWho teacheth man that which he knoweth not.
JM RodwellHath taught Man that which he knoweth not.

Asadtaught man what he did not know!

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