Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 100:5
al-`Adiyat - The Courser, The Chargers, The Assulters
Verse: 100 : 5

< 100:6   100:4 >

al-`Adiyat (The Courser, The Chargers, The Assulters) 100:5

100:5 فوسطن به جمعا

TransliterationFawasatna bihi jamAAan
LiteralSo they were in the middle with it all together/(in) a group .

Yusuf AliAnd penetrate forthwith into the midst (of the foe) en masse;-
PickthalCleaving, as one, the centre (of the foe),
Arberry cleaving there with a host!
ShakirThen rush thereby upon an assembly:
Sarwarwhich engulfs the enemy.
KhalifaPenetrating to the heart of their territory.
Hilali/KhanPenetrating forthwith as one into the midst (of the foe);
H/K/SaheehArriving thereby in the center collectively,
Malikas they dash into the middle of the enemy troops![5]
QXPStorming into any community.
Maulana AliThen penetrate thereby gatherings --
Free MindsPenetrating to the midst together.
Qaribullah dividing the gathering.

George Saleand therein pass through the midst of the adverse troops:
JM RodwellAnd cleave therein their midway through a host!

Asadthereby storming [blindly] into any host!

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