Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 26:112
ash-Shu`ara' - The Poets
Verse: 26 : 112

< 26:113   26:111 >

ash-Shu`ara' (The Poets) 26:112

26:112 قال وماعلمي بماكانوا يعملون

TransliterationQala wama AAilmee bima kanoo yaAAmaloona
LiteralHe said: "And what is my knowledge with what they were making/doing ?"

Yusuf AliHe said: "And what do I know as to what they do?
PickthalHe said: And what knowledge have I of what they may have been doing (in the past)?
Arberry He said, 'What knowledge have I of that they have been doing?
ShakirHe said: And what knowledge have I of what they do?
Sarwar(Noah) said, "I have no knowledge of their deeds.
KhalifaHe said, "How do I know what they did?
Hilali/KhanHe said: "And what knowledge have I of what they used to do?
H/K/SaheehHe said, And what is my knowledge of what they used to do?
MalikHe said: "I have no knowledge as to what they have been doing;[112]
QXPSaid he, "I do not care what their professions are and what they have been doing before.
Maulana AliHe said: And what knowledge have I of what they did?
Free MindsHe said: "And what knowledge do I have of what they used to do?"
Qaribullah He said: 'I have no knowledge of what they have done.

George SaleNoah said, I have no knowledge of that which they did;
JM RodwellHe said, "But I have no knowledge of that they did:

AsadSaid he: "And what knowledge could I have as to what they were doing [before they came to me]?

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