Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 26:55
ash-Shu`ara' - The Poets
Verse: 26 : 55

< 26:56   26:54 >

ash-Shu`ara' (The Poets) 26:55

26:55 وانهم لنا لغائظون

TransliterationWa-innahum lana lagha-ithoona
LiteralAnd that they truly are for us angering/enraging (E).

Yusuf Ali"And they are raging furiously against us;
PickthalAnd lo! they are offenders against us.
Arberry and indeed they are enraging us;
ShakirAnd most surely they have enraged us;
Sarwarwho have enraged us greatly.
Khalifa"They are now opposing us.
Hilali/Khan"And verily, they have done what has enraged us;
H/K/SaheehAnd indeed, they are enraging us,
Malikwho have provoked us much;[56]
QXPAnd indeed they are offenders against us.
Maulana AliAnd they have surely enraged us:
Free Minds"And they have done what has enraged us."
Qaribullah they have enraged us,

George Saleand they are enraged against us:
JM RodwellYet are they enraged against us-

Asadbut they are indeed filled with hatred of us

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