Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 26:58
ash-Shu`ara' - The Poets
Verse: 26 : 58

< 26:59   26:57 >

ash-Shu`ara' (The Poets) 26:58

26:58 وكنوز ومقام كريم

TransliterationWakunoozin wamaqamin kareemin
LiteralAnd treasures/buried treasures and (an) honoured/generous position/status.

Yusuf AliTreasures, and every kind of honourable position;
PickthalAnd treasures and a fair estate.
Arberry and treasures and a noble station;
ShakirAnd treasures and goodly dwellings,
Sarwartreasures, and graceful dwellings.
KhalifaAnd treasures and an honorable position.
Hilali/KhanTreasures, and every kind of honourable place.
H/K/SaheehAnd treasures and honorable station
Maliktheir treasures and sumptuous dwellings.[59]
QXPAnd treasures, lofty positions and beautiful estate. (Destined to be drowned in hateful pursuit of Moses and his followers).
Maulana AliAnd treasures and goodly dwellings --
Free MindsAnd treasures and an honourable dwelling.
Qaribullah their treasures and a noble station.

George Saleand treasures, and fair dwellings:
JM RodwellAnd treasures and splendid dwellings;

Asadand [deprived them of their erstwhile] station of honour!" [This is apparently an allusion to the honourable state and the prosperity which the children of Israel had enjoyed in Egypt for a few generations after the time of Joseph - i.e., before a new Egyptian dynasty dispossessed them of their wealth and reduced them to the bondage from which Moses was to free them. In the above passage, Pharaoh seeks to justify his persecution of the Israelites by emphasizing their dislike (real or alleged) of the Egyptians.]

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