Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 37:3
as-Saffat - Those Who Set The Ranks, Drawn up in Ranks, The Rangers
Verse: 37 : 3

< 37:4   37:2 >

as-Saffat (Those Who Set The Ranks, Drawn up in Ranks, The Rangers) 37:3

37:3 فالتاليات ذكرا

TransliterationFaalttaliyati thikran
LiteralSo the reading/reciting/following, mentioning/remembering .

Yusuf AliAnd thus proclaim the Message (of Allah)!
PickthalAnd those who read (the Word) for a reminder,
Arberry and the reciters of a Remembrance,
ShakirThen those who recite, being mindful,
Sarwarand those who recite Our revelations,
KhalifaThe reciters of the messages.
Hilali/KhanBy those (angels) who bring the Book and the Quran from Allah to mankind (Tafsir Ibn Katheer).
H/K/SaheehAnd those who recite the message,
Malikand by those who proclaim the message [3]
QXPAnd those believers who convey the Reminder.
Maulana AliAnd those who recite the Reminder,
Free MindsBy the remembrance which follows.
Qaribullah and those who recite the Remembrance

George Saleand by those who read the Koran for an admonition;
JM RodwellAnd by those who recite the Koran for warning,

Asadand conveying [to all the world] a reminder:

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