Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 52:12
at-Tur - The Mount, The Mountain
Verse: 52 : 12

< 52:13   52:11 >

at-Tur (The Mount, The Mountain) 52:12

52:12 الذين هم في خوض يلعبون

TransliterationAllatheena hum fee khawdin yalAAaboona
LiteralThose who, they are in a plunge/an engagement in conversation playing/amusing .

Yusuf AliThat play (and paddle) in shallow trifles.
PickthalWho play in talk of grave matters;
Arberry such as play at plunging,
ShakirThose who sport entering into vain discourses.
Sarwarand who indulged in false disputes against (God's revelations).
Khalifawho are in their blundering, heedless.
Hilali/KhanWho are playing in falsehood .
H/K/SaheehWho are in [empty] discourse amusing themselves.
Malikwho are engaged in their useless sports.[12]
QXPWho peddle the play of shallow rituals.
Maulana AliWho amuse themselves by vain talk.
Free MindsWho are in their recklessness, playing.
Qaribullah those who are in plunging, playing.

George Salewho amused themselves in wading in vain disputes!
JM RodwellWho plunged for pastime into vain disputes-

Asadall those who [throughout their lives] but idly played with things vain -

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