Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 52:6
at-Tur - The Mount, The Mountain
Verse: 52 : 6

< 52:7   52:5 >

at-Tur (The Mount, The Mountain) 52:6

52:6 والبحر المسجور

TransliterationWaalbahri almasjoori
LiteralBy/and the sea/ocean , the filled and overflowed .

Yusuf AliAnd by the Ocean filled with Swell;-
PickthalAnd the sea kept filled,
Arberry and the sea swarming,
ShakirAnd the swollen sea
Sarwarand by the swelling ocean,
KhalifaThe sea that is set aflame.
Hilali/KhanAnd by the sea kept filled (or it will be fire kindled on the Day of Resurrection).
H/K/SaheehAnd [by] the sea filled [with fire],
Malikand the surging ocean,[6]
QXPAnd by the ocean bustling with ships and lights.
Maulana AliAnd the swollen sea!
Free MindsAnd the sea that is set aflame.
Qaribullah and the sea that is full

George Saleand by the swelling ocean:
JM RodwellAnd by the swollen sea,

AsadConsider the surf-swollen sea!

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