Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 54:28
al-Qamar - The Moon
Verse: 54 : 28

< 54:29   54:27 >

al-Qamar (The Moon) 54:28

54:28 ونبئهم ان الماء قسمة بينهم كل شرب محتضر

TransliterationWanabbi/hum anna almaa qismatun baynahum kullu shirbin muhtadarun
LiteralAnd inform them that (E) the water (is) division/apportionment between them, each/every share of water/drink (is) present/attending.

Yusuf AliAnd tell them that the water is to be divided between them: Each one's right to drink being brought forward (by suitable turns).
PickthalAnd inform them that the water is to be shared between (her and) them. Every drinking will be witnessed.
Arberry And tell them that the water is to be divided between them, each drink for each in turn.
ShakirAnd inform them that the water is shared between them; every share of the water shall be regulated.
SarwarTell them that each one of them has the right to have a certain share of water".
KhalifaInform them that the water shall be divided among them; (the camel) shall be allowed to drink on her designated day.
Hilali/KhanAnd inform them that the water is to be shared between (her and) them. Each ones right to drink being established (by turns).
H/K/SaheehAnd inform them that the water is shared between them, each [day of] drink attended [by turn].
MalikTell them that the water must be shared between them and the she-camel, and each will come to the water at its own turn.[28]
QXPAnd let them know that the water must be shared by all. Every drinking will be witnessed. (The she-camel was a symbol of obedience for them.)
Maulana AliAnd inform them that the water is shared between them; every share of the water shall be attended.
Free MindsAnd inform them that the water shall be divided between them; each shall be allowed to drink in the specified time.
Qaribullah Tell them that the water is to be divided between them, a drink each for them in turn. '

George SaleAnd prophesy unto them that the water shall be divided between them, and each portion shall be sat down to alternately.
JM RodwellAnd foretell them that their waters shall be divided between themselves and her, and that every draught shall come by turns to them.

AsadAnd let them know that the water [of their wells] is to be divided between them, [I.e., between their own herds and the ownerless she-camel: see 26:155 and the corresponding note.] with each share of water equitably apportioned."

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