Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 55:8
ar-Rahman - The Beneficent, The Mercy Giving, The Merciful
Verse: 55 : 8

< 55:9   55:7 >

ar-Rahman (The Beneficent, The Mercy Giving, The Merciful) 55:8

55:8 الا تطغوا في الميزان

TransliterationAlla tatghaw fee almeezani
LiteralThat you not tyrannize/exceed the limit in the scale/measuring instrument .

Yusuf AliIn order that ye may not transgress (due) balance.
PickthalThat ye exceed not the measure,
Arberry (Transgress not in the Balance,
ShakirThat you may not be inordinate in respect of the measure.
Sarwarso that you would maintain justice.
KhalifaYou shall not transgress the law.
Hilali/KhanIn order that you may not transgress (due) balance.
H/K/SaheehThat you not transgress within the balance.
Malikdon’t ever tamper with this balance.[8]
QXPSo that you, too, never violate balance in your lives.
Maulana AliThat you may not exceed the measure,
Free MindsDo not transgress in the balance.
Qaribullah Do not transgress the scales.

George Salethat ye should not transgress in respect to the balance:
JM RodwellThat in the balance ye should not transgress.

Asadso that you [too, O men,] might never transgress the measure [of what is right]:

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