Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 56:6
al-Waqi`ah - The Event, The Inevitable, That Which is Coming
Verse: 56 : 6

< 56:7   56:5 >

al-Waqi`ah (The Event, The Inevitable, That Which is Coming) 56:6

56:6 فكانت هباء منبثا

TransliterationFakanat habaan munbaththan
LiteralSo it was dust scattered/distributed .

Yusuf AliBecoming dust scattered abroad,
PickthalSo that they become a scattered dust,
Arberry and become a dust, scattered,
ShakirSo that they shall be as scattered dust.
Sarwarthey will become like dust scattered around.
KhalifaAs if they never existed.
Hilali/KhanSo that they will become floating dust particles.
H/K/SaheehAnd become dust dispersing.
Malikand become like scattered dust.[6]
QXPSo that they scatter like sand in a sandstorm. (20:105), (28:20), (77:10), (81:3).
Maulana AliSo they are as scattered dust,
Free MindsSo that they become only scattered dust.
Qaribullah becoming scattered dust,

George Saleand shall become as dust scattered abroad;
JM RodwellAnd shall become scattered dust,

Asadso that they become as scattered dust -

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