Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 80:10
`Abasa - He Frowned
Verse: 80 : 10

< 80:11   80:9 >

`Abasa (He Frowned) 80:10

80:10 فانت عنه تلهى

TransliterationFaanta AAanhu talahha
LiteralSo you are from him distracted/preoccupied .

Yusuf AliOf him wast thou unmindful.
PickthalFrom him thou art distracted.
Arberry to him thou payest no heed.
ShakirFrom him will you divert yourself.
Sarwaryou ignore him.
KhalifaYou ignored him.
Hilali/KhanOf him you are neglectful and divert your attention to another,
H/K/SaheehFrom him you are distracted.
Malikyou gave no heed.[10]
QXPHim did you disregard!
Maulana AliTo him thou payest no regard.
Free MindsYou were too pre-occupied for him.
Qaribullah of him you were unmindful.

George Saledost thou neglect.
JM RodwellHim dost thou neglect.

Asadhim didst thou disregard!

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