Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 81:16
at-Takwir - The Overthrowing, The Cessation
Verse: 81 : 16

< 81:17   81:15 >

at-Takwir (The Overthrowing, The Cessation) 81:16

81:16 الجوار الكنس

TransliterationAljawari alkunnasi
LiteralThe flowing/orbiting , the orbiting/sweeping planets/stars.

Yusuf AliGo straight, or hide;
PickthalThe stars which rise and set,
Arberry the runners, the sinkers,
ShakirThat run their course (and) hide themselves,
Sarwarstars which are visible during the night
KhalifaPrecisely running in their orbits.
Hilali/KhanAnd by the planets that move swiftly and hide themselves,
H/K/SaheehThose that run [their courses] and disappear
Malikthat run their course and hide;[16]
QXPThe stars which rise and set in their orbits.
Maulana AliRunning their course, (and) setting,
Free MindsTheir orbits swept away.
Qaribullah orbiting, disappearing;

George Salewhich move swiftly, and which hide themselves;
JM RodwellWhich move swiftly and hide themselves away,

Asadthe planets that run their course and set,

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