Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 87:19
al-A`la - The Most High, Glory to your Lord in the Highest
Verse: 87 : 19

< 88:1   87:18 >

al-A`la (The Most High, Glory to your Lord in the Highest) 87:19

87:19 صحف ابراهيم وموسى

TransliterationSuhufi ibraheema wamoosa
LiteralAbraham's and Moses' written pages (Books/Scriptures).

Yusuf AliThe Books of Abraham and Moses.
PickthalThe Books of Abraham and Moses.
Arberry the scrolls of Abraham and Moses.
ShakirThe scriptures of Ibrahim and Musa.
Sarwarthe Scriptures of Abraham and Moses.
KhalifaThe teachings of Abraham and Moses.
Hilali/KhanThe Scriptures of Ibrahim (Abraham) and Moosa (Moses) ( ).
H/K/SaheehThe scriptures of Abraham and Moses.
Malikthe scriptures of Abraham and Moses.[19]
QXPThe Revelations of Abraham and Moses.
Maulana AliThe scriptures of Abraham and Moses.
Free MindsThe scripts of Abraham and Moses.
Qaribullah the Scrolls of Abraham and Moses.

George Salethe books of Abraham and Moses.
JM RodwellThe Books of Abraham and Moses.

Asadthe revelations of Abraham and Moses.

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