Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 89:20
al-Fajr - The Dawn, Daybreak
Verse: 89 : 20

< 89:21   89:19 >

al-Fajr (The Dawn, Daybreak) 89:20

89:20 وتحبون المال حبا جما

TransliterationWatuhibboona almala hubban jamman
LiteralAnd you love/like the property/possession/wealth lovingly excessively .

Yusuf AliAnd ye love wealth with inordinate love!
PickthalAnd love wealth with abounding love.
Arberry and you love wealth with an ardent love
ShakirAnd you love wealth with exceeding love.
Sarwarand why do you have an excessive love of riches?.
KhalifaAnd loving the money too much.
Hilali/KhanAnd you love wealth with much love!
H/K/SaheehAnd you love wealth with immense love.
Malikand you love wealth with all your hearts.[20]
QXPAnd you love wealth with boundless love.
Maulana AliAnd you love wealth with exceeding love.
Free MindsAnd you love money, a love that is excessive.
Qaribullah and you ardently love wealth.

George Saleand ye love riches, with much affection.
JM RodwellAnd ye love riches with exceeding love.

Asadand you love wealth with boundless love!

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