Excerpts from a
book authored by an Orientilist named Charis Waddy Ph.D.
from England: Dr. Waddy, an English woman, lived a
considerable time among the Muslim families in Egypt,
Jerusalem, and Pakistan, and subsequently, she wrote her
book entitled: The Muslim Mind. The following synopsis is
from her personal impression on, and high admiration of
this Religion-Islam: It (Islam) has much to offer to our
restless world. But it seems to be an abandoned treasure,
abandoned by those who bear its name. No wonder they are
so different from the glory I described in my book, and
unless they go back to it again, they will remain lost in
bewilderment, at the rear of humanitys procession. For it
is the remedy, the light and the guidance from God for
them and for the World.
The following Verses from the Koran and Articles from
the doctrines of the Prophet Mohammed were to be the
strong foundation upon which she built up her strong
opinion on Islam as mentioned above.
Praise be to God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful;
Praise be to God, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the
Most Gracious, Most Merciful, Master of the Day of
Thee do we worship, and Thine aid we seek, show us the
Straight way,
The way of those on whom Thou Hast Bestowed Thy Grace;
Those whose (portion) is not wrath, and who go not
This is the Introduction (Fatiha) to Sura (Chapter)No. 1
in the Koran, as translated by His Reverence Abdulla
Yousef Ali.
This opening Chapter of Seven Verses rightly called the
Essence of the Book. It teaches us the perfect prayer. For
if we can pray right, it means that we have some knowledge
of God and His attributes; of His Relations to us and his
Creation which includes ourselves; that we glimpse the
source from which we come, and that final goal which is
our destiny under Gods True Judgment: Then we offer
ourselves to God and seek His Light.
Prayer is the Heart of Religion and Faith, but how
shall we pray? What word shall convey the yearnings of our
miserable ignorant hearts to the knower of all? Is it
worthy of Him or of our nature to ask for vanities, or
even for such physical needs as our daily bread? The
inspired One, our Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H), taught us a
prayer that sums up our Faith, our Hope, and our
Inspiration in things that matter.
We think in devotion of Gods Name and His Nature; We
praise Him for his Creation and His cherishing care; We
call to mind the realities, seen and unseen; We offer Him
worship and ask for His guidance; and we know the straight
from the crooked path by the Light of His Grace that
illumines the righteous.
Some of the Prophet's final Doctrines at the last
Pilgrimage he made:
1. All the customs and practices of the pagan age are
2. All compensation for the bloodshed of the old days is
3. Fear God in respect of women. You, men, have your
rights over your wives, and they have their rights over
Note: This Doctrine-No.3- is mostly pertaining to the
social life of the community, because the relation of the
sexes are an important factor in the social life of the
community. His Reverence Abdulla Yousef summarizes his
interpretation of the Koranic chapter entitled Talaq-
Divorce, as follows: (Chapter No.65): Guard well your
truth and pure integrity in sex relations. Keep the tie of
marriage sacred; But where it must be dissolved, use all
precautions to ensure justice to the weaker party, and
protect the interests of unborn or new-born lives as well
as social decency; and close not, to the last moment, the
door of reconciliation.
Gods Laws must be obeyed: It is mans loss if he is
deaf to the Voice which teaches him, or blind to the light
which guides him. Gods universe of beauty and wonder
stands strong in Wisdom: Let man be true himself thereto.
Of all things permitted by Law, Divorce is the most
hateful in the sight of God. (Our Prophets Doctrines).
Islam treats the married woman as a full juristic
personality in every sense of the term; a married woman
has a right, in the married state, to a house or apartment
of her own. And a house or apartment implies the
reasonable expenses for the dwellings upkeep, and for her
own and for childrens maintenance. And this is
obligatory, not only in the married state, but during the
IDDA(which is the interval between the divorce
decreenisi and the divorce decree absolute, which is
necessary, because its the most trying period for the
woman. A reconciliation between the spouses is possible,
and is indeed recommended at every stage. The first
serious differences between the spouses are to be
submitted to a family council on which both sides are
represented. Divorce is not to be pronounced when mutual
physical attraction is at an ebb; when it is pronounced,
there should be a period of probationary waiting: Dower
has to be paid by the husband, and due provisions have to
be made for many things on equitable terms; every facility
has to be given for reconciliation till the last moment,
and impediments are provided against hasty impulses
leading to rapture. Thou Knowest not if perchance God
will bring about thereafter some new situation.65-1
Continuation of The Prophets Preachings:
Your blood and your properties are as sacred for one
another as are this day, this month, and this place.
Each Muslim is a brother of another, all Muslims form one
An Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab, nor has a
non-Arab over an Arab. You are all born of Adam, and Adam
was made out of clay.
Whoever is entrusted with a thing belonging to another
must deliver his trust to its owner.
The debtors must pay their debts.
I leave behind me one thing, and you will never go astray
if you hold it fast, and that is the Book of God.
Alms is the poor tax : it is a distribution of a
certain percentage (2-1/2%) of the annual savings or
capital in goods or money among the poor and needy.
Therefore of the Bounty of Thy Lord Be Thy Discourse.
(Koranic verse 93-11) Dr. Waddy further comments:
Prophet Mohammed (P.B.U.H.) regarded himself as the
restorer of the Pure Faith in One God first pioneered by
Abraham, the Spiritual Father of the Three Monotheistic
Faiths, as well as the ancestor of the Jews and many
Arabs; cousins whose destiny has been closely linked in
history ever since.
The Islamic doctrine emphasizes that
There is no obedience to a person if it entails
disobedience to God. Dr. Waddy goes on commenting....
The word Islam literally means: Surrender to God. A
verse in the Koran orders Muslims to believe in all the
Prophets and their Divine Messages: Say, O believers we
believe in God, and in that which has been transmitted to
Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and that
which was given to Moses and Jesus, and that which was
given to the Prophets from their Lord. We do not
discriminate between them, and to Him(God) do we
surrender. 2-137
The Lord commanded: Worship none but Him, and show
Kindness to parents. If one or both of them attain old age
with you, never say unto them any word expressive of
disgust, nor reproach them, but address them with
excellent speech, and lower to them the wing of humility,
and say: My Lord! bestow on them thy mercy even as they
cherished me in childhood. 17-24. Selections from the
Doctrines of our Prophet, Mohammed (P.B.U.H) : as repeated
in Dr. Waddys book:
1.Dearest to God are those that fear Him most.
2.It is better to collect wood and sell it than to seek
3.Seeking knowledge is a duty for every Muslim, man or
The following verses from the Koran have been
particularly remarked by Dr. Waddey, they command the
Muslim to abide by the moral principles in his/her social
relations with others:
1. Woe to those that deal in Fraud; 83-1
2. Truly man was created very impatient; 70-19
3. Fretful when evil touches him; 70-21
4. And niggardly when good reaches him; 70-21
5. Not so are those devoted to prayer; 70-22
6. Those who remain steadfast to their prayer; 70-23
7. And those in whose wealth is a recognized right; 70-24
8. For the needy who asks, and him who is prevented (for
some reason) from asking; 70-25
9. And those who hold to the truth for the Day of
Judgment; 70-26
10. And those who fear the displeasure of their Lord;
11. For their Lords displeasure is the opposite of peace
and tranquility; 70-28
12. And those who guard their chastity; 70-29
13. Those who trespass (beyond this doctrine) are
transgressors; 70-31
14. And those who respect their trusts and covenants;
15. And those who stand firm to their testimonies; 70-33
16. And those who guard (the sacredness) of their worship;
17.Such will be the honored ones in the Gardens of (Bliss)
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